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Get in touch with our reps:

North America

Eric Henschel
Office: 416-900-3309
Cell: 905-308-4618
Tom Freeman
Office: 416-900-3309 x.3
Cell: 416-318-4118
Patricia Long
Office: 416-900-3309 x.6
Cell: 514-435-8945
Sales Associate

California & Nevada

Misha Bedner
Cell: 310-502-4760


Brady Yee
Cell: 808-216-8364
Stacey Shaffer
Cell: 206-409-1213
Director of Sales


Boyer Design Source, Inc.
Gaye Lynn Boyer
Office: 713.662.3493
Cell: 713-320-1472


Jessica Pinzon
Cell: 214-707-7047
Owner + Founder


Baumann & Associates
Sean Baumann
Office: 813 903 9328
Cell: 813-205-9475
Sales Director

Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, New England, New York, and Chicago

Dan Ryan
Office: 212-252-2026
Cell: 415-990-6071

Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming

Berryhill Design Group
Jennifer Berryhill
Cell: 214-280-5650

Washington, Oregon

BERMANFALK Hospitality Group
Tiffany Sha
Cell: 778.366.2609
Sales Manager

Southeast of the US

Cell: 404-375-4185
Sales & Design Consultant
Jeff Sonke
Cell: 702-630-0347
Managing Partner

Locations around the world make it easy to work with us.

BERMANFALK HEAD OFFICE Telephone: 604.882.8903 Fax: 604.882.8993 Suite 330, 8029 199 Street
Langley, BC V2Y 0E2
Pacific Contract Brady Yee: brady@pacific-contract.com Telephone: 808.216.8364 Hawaii Close
Agency 967 – West Misha Bedner: Misha@NineSixSeven.com Telephone: 310.502.4760 California, Nevada Close
Boyer Design Source Gaye Lynn Boyer: gayelynn@boyerdesignsource.com Telephone: 713.320.1472 Houston Close
Pholio Co. Jessica Pinzon: jessica@pholioco.com Telephone: 214.707.7047 Dallas Close
KC & Comapny Casey Sonke: casey@kcandcompanyusa.com Telephone: 404.375.4185 Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida Panhandle Close
Baumann & Associates Sean Baumann: sean@baumannandassoc.com Telephone: 813.205.9475 Florida Close
Berryhill Design Group Jennifer Berryhill: jennifer@berryhilldesigngrp.com Telephone: 214.280.5650 Colorado, Utah, Wyoming Close
Aria Design Collective Denise Durrell Aubin: ddurrell@aria-dc.com Telephone: 503.816.8655 Washington, Oregon Close
Agency 967 – East Dan Ryan: dan@ninesixseven.com Telephone: 415.990.6071 Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, New England, New York, and Chicago
FH Group Tom Freeman: tom@fhgroup.ca Eric Henschel: eric@fhgroup.ca Patricia Long (Quebec): patricia@fhgroup.ca Telephone: 416.900.3309 Canada Close
Affinitas Furniture Stuart Anderson: sa@affinitas.furniture Telephone: +44 7798 656780 United Kingdom & EU Close

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